Tuesday, August 27, 2019


What is Transaction.

A transaction is a set of operations performed so all operations are guaranteed to succeed or fail as one unit.

When to Use Transactions

You should use transactions when several operations must succeed or fail as a unit.

The following are some frequent scenarios where use of transactions is recommended:

In batch processing, where multiple rows must be inserted, updated, or deleted as a single unit

Whenever a change to one table requires that other tables be kept consistent

When modifying data in two or more databases concurrently

In distributed transactions, where data is manipulated in databases on various servers.

Understanding ACID Properties.

1. Atomicity:

2. Consistency

3. Isolation

4. Durability

    1. create procedure sp_Trans_Test  
    2. @newpersonid nvarchar(5),  
    3. @newfirstname nvarchar(10)  
    4. @newcompanyname nvarchar(15),  
    5. @oldpersonid nvarchar(5)  
    6. as  
    7. declare @inserr int  
    8. declare @delerr int  
    9. declare @maxerr int  
    10. set @maxerr = 0  
    13. -- Add a person  
    14. insert into person (personid, firstname, company)  
    15. values(@newpersonid, @newfirstname, @newcompanyname)  
    17. -- Save error number returned from Insert statement  
    18. set @inserr = @@error  
    19. if @inserr > @maxerr  
    20. set @maxerr = @inserr  
    22. -- Delete a person  
    23. delete from person  
    24. where personid = @oldpersonid  
    26. -- Save error number returned from Delete statement  
    27. set @delerr = @@error  
    28. if @delerr > @maxerr  
    29. set @maxerr = @delerr  
    31. -- If an error occurred, roll back  
    32. if @maxerr <> 0  
    33. begin  
    34. ROLLBACK  
    35. print 'Transaction rolled back'  
    36. end  
    37. else  
    38. begin  
    39. COMMIT  
    40. print 'Transaction committed'  
    41. end  
    42. print 'INSERT error number:'cast(@inserras nvarchar(8))  
    43. print 'DELETE error number:'cast(@delerras nvarchar(8))  
    44. return @maxerr

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