Saturday, August 3, 2019


A tuple is a data structure that contains a sequence of elements of different data types. 

It can be used where you want to have a data structure to hold an object with properties, but you don't want to create a separate type for it.

Tuple<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, TRest>
Tuple<int, string, string> person = 
                        new Tuple <int, string, string>(1, "Steve", "Jobs");

Example: Accessing Tuple Elements
var person = Tuple.Create(1, "Steve", "Jobs");
person.Item1; // returns 1
person.Item2; // returns "Steve"
person.Item3; // returns "Jobs"

var numbers = Tuple.Create("One", 2, 3, "Four", 5, "Six", 7, 8);
numbers.Item1; // returns "One"
numbers.Item2; // returns 2
numbers.Item3; // returns 3
numbers.Item4; // returns "Four"
numbers.Item5; // returns 5
numbers.Item6; // returns "Six"
numbers.Item7; // returns 7
numbers.Rest; // returns (8)
numbers.Rest.Item1; // returns 8

Usage of Tuple

Tuples can be used in the following scenarios:
  1. When you want to return multiple values from a method without using ref or outparameters.
  2. When you want to pass multiple values to a method through a single parameter.
  3. When you want to hold a database record or some values temporarily without creating a separate class.

Tuple Limitations:

  1. Tuple is a reference type and not a value type. It allocates on heap and could result in CPU intensive operations.
  2. Tuple is limited to include 8 elements. You need to use nested tuples if you need to store more elements. However, this may result in ambiguity.
  3. Tuple elements can be accessed using properties with a name pattern Item<elementNumber> which does not make sense.

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